Out of Many One People
Within Chantelle Purcell’s work there is a continual rewriting and revising of image and text, that works together to create a cacophony of meanings that explore the authenticity within historical representation. The ephemeral nature is inherent within the work through utilising materials that are non-permanent, exploring the mediums of sound, film and performance and placing importance on the role of documentation.
Taking its cue from the symbolic motto ‘Out of many one people’, the piece explores the rich history of Jamaica and the prevalence placed on storytelling. Delving into the infamous legend of ‘The White Witch of Rose Hall’.
The audio extract that the audience hears are the songs of 8 participants who were asked to sing transcripts from a previous performance that explored the patterns that emerge when a legend was passed along a transmission chain. The participants were instructed to emphasize the words that were carried along the transmission chain the furthest to create a heightened and monumental version of the narrative. Played in unison the songs collectively join in a cacophony of voices. This piece explores how fact and fiction interweave within history.
Out of Many One People, Audio installation, welded stands, wooden pews and audio speakers.
(Audio) 01:21